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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of eyeglasses chain franchisees' satisfaction on customer satisfaction and increase number of customers.

Subjects and Methods: A survey was taken with the franchisees of a nationwide eyeglasses chain called A via the self-administration method. Their responses were analyzed with the SPSS 18.0 statistical program.

Results: As for the socio-demographic and business-related characteristics of eyeglasses chain franchisees, most of them were male with many in their forties or thirties. As for the general trend of their satisfaction, they exhibited the highest satisfaction level in distribution supports and a low satisfaction level in management support and prices & conditions. As for the effects of their satisfaction on customer satisfaction, such subfactors of franchisee satisfaction as satisfaction with prices and conditions and satisfaction with product-related factors had impacts on customer satisfaction.

Conclusion: The greater satisfaction the franchisees had with the product-related factors, the lower the number of customers became. The greater satisfaction they had with sales promotion and prices & conditions, the higher the number of customers became.


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Customer satisfaction; Eyeglasses chain franchisees

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