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´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 21±Ç 4È£ p.489 ~ 496
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ÃÖÀ±Á¤ ( Choy Yoon-Jung ) 
Eulji University College of Health Sciences Department of Optometry

ÃÖÀ±¼ö ( Choy Yoon-Soo ) 
Eulji University Eulji Foundation External Cooperation Task Force Team


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Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence and risk factors of subconjunctival hemorrhage (SCH) in long-term follow-up of patients with atrial fibrillation(AF) using thrombolytic agents.

Methods : Patients with AF in the National Health Insurance Corporation database from 2002to 2006 were followed up from 2007 to 2013. To evaluate the relationship between aspirin use and SCH, we analyzed the duration of aspirin and the incidence of SCH in patients with AF.

Results : A total of 7,471 AF patients were selected, 893 of whom were SCH. In 289 patients with SCH, 90(31.1%) patients had taken aspirin for <1 year: 97(33.6%) for 1~4 years: 102(35.3%) for >4 years. Hazards ratio of developing SCH after taking aspirin for 1~4 and >4 years was 0.856(95% confidence interval (CI), .642-1.14, p=.287), and 0.699(95% CI, .526-.929, p=.014), respectively. When taking aspirin for more than 4 years, the risk was significantly lower than when taking less than 1 year(p =.014). The cumulative incidence rate of SCH was 45%, 37% and 35% for aspirin users of <1 year, 1~4 years, and >4 years, respectively, in the 11th year of taking aspirin.

Conclusion : The incidence of SCH was higher in older AF patients, but the occurrence risk of SCH and cumulative incidence rate due to prolonged usage of aspirin were not high. However, when there is recurrent and persistent SCH, further evaluation of the patient¡¯s systemic disorder and side effects of prescription drugs is needed.


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Aspirin; Atrial fibrillation; Subconjunctival hemorrhage

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