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Purpose : The purpose of this study is to suggest policy directions for curriculum and licensure examination system for competent optometrist that meets the demands of a changing society.
Methods : The education system, curriculum and licensing system for optometrist in the US, the UK and Germany were collected and compared to the ones in Korea. A survey was conducted by Korean optometrists across the country to figure out the status of Korean optometrist, the curriculum content and the national licensing system for optometrist.
Results : The US and UK had the laws for optometrist, while Germany had no legitimacy. The courses of study and the licensing exams were standardized and certified by the national board licensing agency in each country, while the ones in Korea has been nearly no change in the legitimate scope of practice of optometrist since the legitimacy was initially enacted in 1987. There were even discrepancy of the course period, lack of standardized curriculum and field practice under the course. That resulted in failure of workforce supply and did not ultimately meet demands of Korean society expanding. Without a reasonable amendment of Korean optometry system, it will be hard for the public health to make gradual progress in eye health care, which will consequently result in the negative effect on the national eye health care. The results of the survey by Korean optometrist corresponded to the claim of the study to change the education and licensing system.
Conclusion : There need to be changes in the legitimate scope of practice of Optometrist to reflect the demands of our changing society. The current school system such as, curricula, workforce supply, field practice and licensing exams need to be revised and standardized for the improvement of profession and Korean eye health service.


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Dispensing Optician; Education System; Field Practice; Optometrist

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