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´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 22±Ç 2È£ p.155 ~ 161
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À±Á¤È£ ( Youn Jung-Ho ) 
Chonnam National University Graduate School Department of Public Health


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Purpose : This study aimed to investigate the risk factors for Glaucoma and Atopic dermatitis in Korean adults over 40 years of age.

Methods : The glaucoma screening were done by subjects over 40 years old that took part in the National Health and Nutrition Research Survey 2017 and regular eye exam. The sociological factors such as household income, education, monthly drinking rate, and current smoking rate were adjusted and analyzed including sex, age, and body mass index by logistic regression using SPSS 18.0 in the significant level less than 0.05.

Results : The prevalence of glaucoma over the age of 40 was 3.46%. The age (OR=1.03, p=0.007), sex (OR=0.52, p=0.009), and atopic dermatitis (OR=3.43, p=0.023) were significant risk factors for Glaucoma.

Conclusion : After adjusting sociological factors, atopic dermatitis, age, sex, and atopic dermatitis were confirmed to associate with Glaucoma.


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Atopic dermatitis; Glaucoma

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