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Á¦ÁÖ ÇسàÀÇ ±¼Àý»óÅÂ¿Í ¾È°úÁúȯ¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ The Study on the Refractive State and Ophthalmologic Disease of Jeju Haenyeo

´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 22±Ç 2È£ p.191 ~ 200
ÃÖÁö¿µ, °í¿µµæ,
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ÃÖÁö¿µ ( Choi Ji-Yeong ) 
Jeju Tourism University Department of Optometry

°í¿µµæ ( Ko Yong-Deug ) 
Jeju St. Mary¡Çs Eye Center


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Purpose : The purpose of this study was to find out the eye health status of Jeju Haenyeo(female diver), and to investigate the effects of diving on their eyes by refractive and ophthalmic tests.

Methods : The results of the naked and corrected visual acuity test, objective refraction test, IOP (introcular pressure) test, slit lamp microscopy, optical coherence tomography, visual field test, and retinal photography performed with 33 heanyeos(66 eyes) who are currently engaged in breath-hold diving were used to find out refractive conditions and history of ophthalmic diseases. Frequency analysis and logistic regression analysis were performed with the test results.

Results : The most common refractive statuses of all subjects appeared myopic(43.9%) and against-the-rule astigmatic(56.1%). The morbidity rate of ophthalmic diseases was 6.1% in pterygium, 90.9% in cataract, 19.7% in glaucoma, and 33.3% in retinal diseases. It was shown that 61.7% of those with cataract were found to have had cataract surgery. Of retinal diseases, were preretinal membrane(45.5%), macular degeneration(27.3%), diabetic maculopathy(18.2%), and central serous chorioretinopathy(9.1%) were found. The result of logistic regression analysis showed that their longer career showed higher probability of not having cataract(Exp(B)=1.115) and glaucoma(Exp(B)=1.062), and the higher the age showed higher probability of having cataract(Exp(B)=1.220). Those with the longer career also had higher probability of not having central serous chorioretinopathy(Exp(B)=0.943).

Conclusion : Basic data on the refractive status, astigmatism type, IOP, and onset of ophthalmic diseases in Haenyeos
were collected. The utilized data would be helpful in establishing guidelines and training for Haenyeos' eye health in Jeju.


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Haenyeo; Ophthalmologic disease; Refractive state

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