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´ë±¸Áö¿ª 2Çгâ ÁßÇлýÀÇ ±¼ÀýÀÌ»ó°ú ¾È°æ±³Á¤ »óÅ ºÐ¼® Analysis on Refractive Error and Glasses Correction of Second-year Middle School Students in Daegu

´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 22±Ç 2È£ p.201 ~ 207
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±èÁö¿ø ( Kim Ji-Won ) 
Daekyeung University Department of Optometry


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¹æ¹ý : 2017³â ´ë±¸Áö¿ª ÁßÇб³ 2Çгâ 182¸í(364¾È)À» ´ë»óÀ¸·Î ½Ã·Â°Ë»ç, Ÿ°¢Àû/ÀÚ°¢Àû ±¼Àý°Ë»ç·Î 1.0±îÁö ¿ÏÀü±³Á¤, ±âÃÊ ¾ç¾È½Ã °Ë»ç µî ¹× ¾È°æÂø¿ë »óŸ¦ °Ë»çÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç, µî°¡±¸¸é±¼Àý·ÂÀ» ±âÃÊ·Î ±¼ÀýÀÌ»ó ¹× ±¼Àý»óŸ¦ ºñ±³ ºÐ¼®ÇÏ¿´´Ù.

°á°ú : Âü¿©Çлý 182¸í(364¾È) Áß Á¤½Ã´Â 121¾È(33.24%), ºñÁ¤½Ã´Â 243¾È(66.76%)À¸·Î Æò±ÕÀº ?1.54¡¾2.25 D·Î ³ªÅ¸³µ´Ù. ºñÁ¤½Ã 243¾È Áß ±Ù½Ã¼ºÀº 241¾È Æò±Õ -2.98¡¾2.15 D·Î ³ªÅ¸³µÀ¸¸ç, ¿ø½Ã¼ºÀº 2¾È Æò±Õ +3.50¡¾ 0.35 D¸¦ º¸¿´´Ù. ±Ù½Ã¼ºÀº 241¾È Áß °íµµ±Ù½Ã´Â 24¾È(9.96%), Áßµµ±Ù½Ã´Â 79¾È(32.78%) ±×¸®°í Àúµµ±Ù½Ã´Â 138¾È(57.26%)À» º¸¿´´Ù. Àüü ´ë»óÀÚ Áß 86¸í(47.25%)ÀÌ ±âÁ¸¿¡ ¾È°æÀ» Âø¿ëÇÏ°í ÀÖ¾ú´Ù. 153¾È(42.03%)ÀÌ 0.8 ÀÌ»óÀÇ ½Ã·Â ±×¸®°í 211¾È(57.97%)ÀÌ 0.7 ÀÌÇÏÀÇ ½Ã·ÂÀ» º¸¿´´Ù. ½Ã·Â °Ë»ç Àü°ú ÈÄÀÇ µî°¡±¸¸é±¼Àý·ÂÀº °¢°¢ ?1.54¡¾ 2.25 D¿Í ?1.96¡¾2.27 D·Î ¾à -0.42 D Á¤µµ ±³Á¤ÀÌ ´õ ÇÊ¿äÇÑ »óŸ¦ º¸¿´´Ù(p£¼0.010, t=9.46). ¾È°æÂø¿ëÀÚ 86¸í(172¾È)ÀÇ ±³Á¤ Àü°ú ÈÄ´Â °¢°¢ -3.25¡¾2.27 D°ú -3.47¡¾2.29 D·Î ³ªÅ¸³ª, ¾à -0.23 DÀÇ Ãß°¡ ±³Á¤ÀÌ ÇÊ¿äÇÑ °ÍÀ¸·Î ³ªÅ¸³µ´Ù(p£¼0.010, t=3.97).

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Purpose : Visual acuity, refraction, and eyeglasses correction status of second-year students of middle school in Daegu were analyzed.

Methods : In 2017, 182 second-year middle school students(364 eyes) were tested for visual acuity including full correction up to 1.0 by objective and subjective refraction, basic binocular vision and spectacles, and based on spherical equivalent power (SE), refractive error and refractive status were compared and analyzed.

Results : Of the 182 students(364 eyes), the number of emmetropes was 121 eyes (33.24%) and that of ametropes was 243 eyes(66.76%), and the average of all refractive powers was ?1.54¡¾2.25D. Of the 243 eyes with ametropia, myopia was found to be ?2.98¡¾2.15 D on average in 241 eyes, and hyperopia was +3.50¡¾0.35 D on average in 2 eyes. Of 241 myopic eyes, according to the degree of myopia it was shown high myopia 24(9.96%), moderate myopia 79(32.78%) and low myopia 138(57.26%). Of all students, 86(47.25%) people were wearing glasses. One hundred fifty three eyes(42.03%) had a vision of 0.8 or higher, and 211 eyes(57.97%) had a vision of 0.7 or lower. Spherical equivalent powers before and after visual acuity test was ?1.54¡¾2.25 D and ?1.96¡¾2.27 D, respectively, showing a condition that requires approximately ?0.42 D additional correction(p£¼0.010, t=9.46). SE before and after correction of 86 eyeglasses(172 eyes) was ?3.25¡¾ 2.27 D and ?3.47¡¾2.29 D, respectively, indicated that additional correction of approximately ?0.23 D was required(p£¼0.010, t=3.97).

Conclusion : The results show that myopia was the main cause of ametropia in the secondyear of middle school, and myopia degree of middle students was severe refractive abnormality close to near moderate myopia. Regular visual examination is important for all students who are wearing or are not wearing glasses, and continuous observation and research on the students' vision will be necessary in the future.


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Refractive correction; Refractive status; Second-year in middle school; Spherical equivalent power

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