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´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 22±Ç 3È£ p.335 ~ 347
±èÁ¤Èñ, ¾È¿µÁÖ,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
±èÁ¤Èñ ( Kim Jung-Hee ) 
Dongnam Health University Department of Optometry & Vision Science

¾È¿µÁÖ ( An Young-Ju ) 
Baekseok Culture University Department of Optometry


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Purpose : This study was to investigate the refraction protocal ongoing in the clinics when conducted dispensing, refraction and prescribing contact lens optical aids to be more accurate.

Methods : A questionnaire covered three items refraction, dispensing and prescription of contact lenses and was conducted by 53 optometrists in Gyeonggi-do.

Results : In the item refraction, 50(94.3%) optometrists answered checking visual acuity with habitual correction. When asked measuring the interpupillary distance, 24(45.3%) optometrists used a P.D. meter and 21(39.6%) used the value measured by the auto-refractometer. 23(43.4%) optometrists did not use the Jackson cross-cylinder after correcting astigmatism. The reasons were diverse; ¡®not aware of the methods¡¯(17.4%), ¡®unnecessary to do(52.2%)¡¯, ¡¯not enough time(26.1%)¡¯ and ¡®unspecified(4.3%)¡¯. 8(15.1%) optometrists did not doublecheck after prescribing contact lenses.

Conclusion : In order to provide the best correction, the accurate refraction, dispensing and prescribing contact lenses must be fulfilled as well as the eye examinations required in the clinic.


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Jackson Cross-cylinder; Fitting; Preliminary examination; Optical Aids

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