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¼Ò¾Æ °£Ç漺 ¿Ü»ç½Ã¾È¿¡ Àû¿ëÇÑ ½Ã±â´ÉÈÆ·Ã ÀÓ»ó»ç·Ê Clinical Case of Vision Therapy Applied to Intermittent Exotropia

´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 22±Ç 3È£ p.359 ~ 364
ÀåÈ¿½Â, À̱ºÀÚ,
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ÀåÈ¿½Â ( Jang Hyo-Seung ) 
Eulji University Graduate School Department of Optometry

À̱ºÀÚ ( Lee Koon-Ja ) 
Eulji University Graduate School Department of Optometry


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A 9-year-old girl with intermittent exotropia was prescribed with 3 prism diopters(¡â). She took the vision training twice a week at an optical shop and Home therapy every day. The vision training was conducted with brock string and aperture rule for 8 weeks. As a result of the training, the amount of external deviation decreased from 30.80¡¾1.16 to 15.60¡¾1.10 ¡â at distance and from 20.60¡¾2.33 to 8.33¡¾1.60 ¡â at near and the stereoacuity improved from 400 to 50 arc seconds. She felt comfortable without any symptoms caused by the exotropia even with habitual spectacles. In the case of intermittent exotropia, symptoms can be generally relieved by surgical methods. In this study, we report that they could be alleviated through the vision training and the effect could be even more greater by wearing prism glasses and the vision training.


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Intermittent exotropia; Prism correction; Vision training

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