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±Ù½Ã¼º, ¿ø½Ã¼ººÎµî½Ã°¡ ¾ç¾ÈÁ¶Àý·Â¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ The Effect of Myopia and Hyperopic Anisometropia to Binocular Accommodative Response

´ëÇѽðúÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 22±Ç 4È£ p.365 ~ 373
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¹Ú¿¹Çö ( Park Ye-Hyeon ) 
Daegu Catholic University Graduate School Department of Optometry and Vision Science

Á¤¿¹¸° ( Jung Yee-Rin ) 
Daegu Catholic University Graduate School Department of Optometry and Vision Science
¹ÚÇü¹Î ( Park Hyung-Min ) 
Daegu Catholic University Graduate School Department of Optometry and Vision Science
Ãߺ´¼± ( Chu Byoung-Sun ) 
Daegu Catholic University Graduate School Department of Optometry and Vision Science


Purpose : The purpose of this study was to measure binocular accommodative response when hyperopic and myopic anisometropia were induced on non-dominatn eye.

Methods : Twenty participants (mean age: 24.05¡¾1.73) who had corrected visual acuity more than 0.0 logMAR and no eye disease or systemic disease were recruited. The contact lenses with +1.00, +2.00, -1.00, -2.00 D were monocularly worn on non-dominant eye. The accommodative responses were measured by a binocular open-field autorefractometer when participant fixates target (accommodative stimulus) at 300, 40, and 20 cm.

Results : As the accommodative stimulus distance decreased, the amount of accommodative response increased in both eyes (p<0.050). There was significant difference of accommodative responses by different degree of anisometropia (p<0.050). When ?2.00 D hyperopic anisometropia was induced, both eyes showed the highest accommodative responses at 40 cm (dominant eye 1.50¡¾0.11 D, non dominant-eye 1.71¡¾0.09 D). When comparing accommodative responses by the type of anisometropia, there was a significant differences in both the dominant and nondominant eyes at 20 cm when inducing 1.00 and 2.00 D in myopic and hyperopic anisometropia (p<0.050). At 40 cm, there was a significant differences in both the dominant and non-dominant eyes when inducing 1.00 in myopic and hyperopic anisometropia (p<0.050). In addition it showed that the higher the degree of myopia and hyperopia, the higher the difference in accommodative response on both eyes and the difference was significant between 40 and 20 cm (p<0.050).

Conclusion : There is a difference in the amount of accommodative response between dominant and non-dominant eye when anisometropia was induced. Regardless of the type, the environment that causes the difference in the amount of accommodative response between both eyes causes eye fatigue, so to prevent such a situation, not only the examination on accommodative response of both eyes, but also regular and continuous management is necessary. Also, a prescription for glasses and addition considering the difference between the two eyes is required.


Accommodative response; Accommodative stimulus; Anisometropia; Hyperopic anisometropia; Myopic anisometropia

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