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Restoration of calf deformities in a 35-year-old man following 2 calf reduction surgical procedures

´ëÇѹ̿ëÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 2±Ç 2È£ p.106 ~ 108
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Á¶¿µ½Å ( Cho Young-Shin ) 
Young Clinic


Calf surgery for slender and proportionate calves is currently being performed not only in women but also in Korean men. Calf liposuction or calf muscle resection can cause several adverse effects including contour deformities, adhesions, and contraction and shortening of muscles, among others. This case report describes reconstructive surgery for a calf deformity and complications of compensatory calf muscle hypertrophy after 2 muscle resection surgeries performed in a 35-year-old man. In this case, muscle resection-induced compensatory muscle hypertrophy can be treated by a selective nerve block. Adhesion of skin to muscle fascia and dermal dimples can be treated by fat transplantation with stem cells and injecting stem cells directly into the muscle layer.


calf deformities; calf fat grafting; calf muscle resection surgery; calf restoration; calf selective nerve blocks; calf surgery complications

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