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´ëÇѹ°¸®Ä¡·á°úÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 25±Ç 1È£ p.52 ~ 61
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±èÁÖ¿À ( Kim Ju-O ) 
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Àå»óÈÆ ( Jang Sang-Hun ) 
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Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of open and close kinetic chain exercise on the muscle activity of pectoralis major and triceps.

Method: Twenty healthy male college students were assessed three times over two weeks. The participants were randomly assigned to OKCE(Open Kinetic Chain Exercise) and CKCE(Close Kinetic Chain Exercise). On the first day, the 7th day and the last day, The MP(mean power) and PT(peak torque) of the PM(pectoralis major) and TR(triceps) during the exercise were measured with an electromyography device and the study was compared.

Result: In the present study, it was found that Statistical analysis of the measured values at the end of experimental period revealed statistically significant differences in the MP and PT values of TR and PM.

Conclusion: These findings suggest that CKCE and OKCE may be an effective physical therapy intervention for strengthening muscular activity in patients with low activity in the upper limb, including normal subjects, although it is not suitable for effective exercise by selecting either CKCE or OKCE.


Kinetic chain exercise ; Muscle activity ; Pectoralis major & Triceps muscle

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