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ÅΰÉÀÌ, ÆȱÁÇôÆì±â, ·§ Ç®´Ù¿î ¿îµ¿ ½Ã Àâ´Â ¹æ¹ý°ú ³ÐÀÌ¿¡ µû¸¥ ³ÐÀº µî±ÙÀÇ ±Ù È°¼ºµµ ºñ±³ A Comparison among Latissimus Dorsi's Activities during Pull Up, Push Up and Lat Pull Down at Different Hand Grips and Grip Width Positions Based on Electromyographic(EMG) Activities

´ëÇѹ°¸®Ä¡·á°úÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 25±Ç 2È£ p.47 ~ 54
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À̼öÇö ( Lee Su-Hyun ) 

±èÁÖ¿À ( Kim Ju-O ) 
±è±ÙÁ¶ ( Kim Keun-Jo ) 
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the most effective exercise position of Latissimus dorsi's activities during Pull up, Push up and Lat pull down among few positions of hand grips(pronation, Supination and neutral grip) and grip widths(30cm, 60cm) based on EMG activities.

Method: 10 healthy adults were participated in this study and the surface EMG activities of the Latissimus dorsi were measured during Pull up, Push up and Lat pull down exercise according to specific hand grip and grip width positions. The maximum and mean value of Latissimus dorsi's EMG activities at all positions were recorded and analysed by ONE-WAY REAPTED ANOVA.

Results: The showed that the most Latissimus dorsi's activities is during Pull up exercise. Main results are as follows 1)maximum value: For Pull up, among all studied positions, Rt Latissumus dorsi, position of Supinated grip and 60cm grip width showed strongest muscle activation based on maximum EMG value. Statistical significance was assumed at p<.05. 2)mean value: For Pull up, among all studied positions, Both Latissimus dorsi, position of pronated grip and 60cm grip width showed strongest muscle activation based on mean EMG value. Statistical significance was assumed at p<.05.

Conclusion: Therefore, taking the results of this study, Pull up exercise would be the best exercise of Latissimus dorsi's activation. It is recommended to do in pronated grip position and 60cm grip width during Pull up to make body fit.


Pull up; Push up; Lat pull down; Grip; Grip Width

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