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Comparison of Sitting Balance and Coordination in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy Using the Korean Version of Trunk Impairment Scale (K-TIS)

´ëÇѹ°¸®ÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 14±Ç 4È£ p.37 ~ 44
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Á¤Çý¸² ( Jung Hye-Rim ) 
Kaya University College of Health Medicine Department of Physical Therapy

ÃÖ¿µÀº ( Choi Young-Eun ) 
Kaya University College of Health Medicine Department of Physical Therapy


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare sitting balance and coordination spastic cerebral palsy in children using the Korean version of Trunk Impairment Scale (K-TIS) as well as to provide basic data about effective postural control treatment for clinicians handling these two types.

METHODS: The K-TIS was measured in 29 children diagnosed with diplegic and quadriplegic cerebral palsy (18 with diplegia and 11 with quadriplegia). The average and standard scores of the children¡¯s K-TIS subscales and items of the two groups were measured. The two groups¡¯ subscales and items were analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney U test.
RESULTS: Static sitting balance, dynamic sitting balance, coordination, and total score for children with diplegia were statistically high (p<.05). For all items under static sitting balance, the score for children with diplegia was higher. The first differences in the repeated items of dynamic sitting balance and coordination area that rotates between the upper and lower body were presented.

CONCLUSION: The difference in balance and coordination in sitting positions is exhibited in children with diplegia and quadriplegia. For children with spastic quadriplegia, treatments should focus on static sitting balance and coordination, together with a focus on dynamic sitting balance and coordination.


Cerebral palsy; Diplegia; Quadriplegia; Sitting balance; Postural control

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