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´ëÇѹ°¸®ÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 15±Ç 2È£ p.75 ~ 81
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ÃÖÁøÈ£ ( Choi Jin-Ho ) 
Daegu Haany University Department of Physical Therapy


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of taping method using elastic tape and non-elastic tape on pain, grip strength and muscle activity in middle-aged female patients with lateral epicondylitis.

Methods: The subjects were 40- to 50-year-old female patients with lateral epicondylitis. A total of 22 subjects were divided into two groups, and each group had 11 patients. The intervention was carried out three times a week for 4 weeks. One group applied tape using elastic tape(ETG) while the other group applied tape using non-elastic tape(NETG). The measurement factors were pain, grip strength, and muscle activity. Pain was measured using VAS. Grip strength was measured using a grip dynamometer, and muscle activity was measured using EMG in the affected extensor carpi radialis brevis. Changes in interventions were compared among the groups using a paired t-test. The comparison between groups compared delta values (changed values) between pre- and post-intervention using an independent t-test.

Results: In both groups, there was a statistically significant decrease in VAS. However,there was no statistically significant decrease in the delta value of VAS between ETG and NETG. In both groups, grip strength and muscle activity increased after intervention. There were statistically significant differences in delta values between ETG and NETG.

Conclusion: Taping is a good intervention method for patients with lateral epicondylitis. Both elastic tape and non-elastic tape were effective. In particular, taping using elastic tape is an effective method for improving muscle function with pain reduction.


Elastic tape; Grip strength; Muscle activity; Non-elastic tape; Pain

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