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Hamstring Foam Roller release and Sole Self Myofascial Release for Improving Hamstring Muscles Flexibility in Participants with Hamstring Shortness

´ëÇѹ°¸®ÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 15±Ç 4È£ p.1 ~ 9
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±è±Ù¿ì ( Kim Geun-Woo ) 
Baekseok University Department of Physical Therapy

ÀÌÁöÇö ( Lee Ji-Hyun ) 
Baekseok University Department of Physical Therapy


PURPOSE: The current generation has shortened hamstrings due to a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in reduced flexibility of the hamstring and dysfunction. This study was undertaken to compare effects of three different release exercises on hamstring flexibility, in participants with short hamstrings.

METHODS: Totally, 20 subjects having short hamstrings were involved in this study. The inclusion criterion for study participation was active knee extension test (AKET) less than 60¡Æ. All participants were subjected to 3 methods: hamstring foam roller release (HFRR), sitting self myofascial release (sitting SMR), and standing self myofascial release (Standing SMR). All participants randomly performed all three methods to avoid bias caused by learning or fatigue. Passive knee extension test (PKET), AKET, finger to floor distance test (FTFT), and pelvic tilting angle test (PTAT) were measured pre- and post-exercises.

RESULTS: The PKET, AKET and FTFT were significantly increased after HFRR, sitting SMR, and standing SMR exercise (p < .05). However, PTAT was not significantly increased after the three exercises (p > .05). Furthermore, no significant differences were observed between PKET, AKET, FTFT and PTAT subsequent to HFRR, sitting SMR, and standing SMR (p > .05).

CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that HFRR, sitting SMR and standing SMR were immediately effective in improving hamstring flexibility in participants with short hamstrings.


Hamstring muscle; Pelvis; Relaxed; Stretching

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