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´ëÇѱݿ¬ÇÐȸÁö 2017³â 8±Ç 2È£ p.80 ~ 87
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¹æÀ翵 ( Bang Jae-Young ) 
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°ûÁ¤ÀÓ ( Gwak Jung-Im ) 
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À±°æȯ ( Youn Kyung-Hwan ) 
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À¯¿ø¼· ( Yoo Won-Seob ) 
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Background: So far, although there is limited information about safety of electronic cigarettes and effectiveness on smoking cessation of E-C has not been proven, the prevalence of E-C use has evidently increased in Korea as well as many other countries. We investigated the characteristics of E-C only users, conventional cigarette only users and dual users in Korean adults.

Methods: Data from the 6th (2013-2015) Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (n=13,232) was obtained. We analyzed factors related to smoking behavior including socio-demographic factors, economic status, health behavior and psychological distress.

Results: The prevalence over 3 years of E-C only use, conventional cigarette only use, and dual use were 0.6%, 37.2%, 3.7% in men and 0.1%, 5.5%, 0.5% in women. E-C only use was associated with daily binge drinking (OR 11.62, 95% CI 1.83-73.67). The probability of dual use was high in almost daily drinkers (OR 2.48, 95% CI 1.17-5.25), daily binge drinkers (OR 11.88, 95% CI 3.66-38.54), and who had many psychological distress (OR 4.98, 95% CI 2.34-10.61).

Conclusion: E-C only use and dual use were strongly associated with frequency of binge drinking. Moreover, dual use was associated with psychological distress. Further large-scale studies, including intensity of E-C use and nicotine intake, are needed.


Electronic cigarettes; E-cigarettes; Cigarette smoking; Dual users

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