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±¹³» ´ã¹î°© °æ°í±×¸²ÀÇ ±Ý¿¬È¿°ú¿¡ °üÇÑ Ã¼°èÀû ¹®Çå°íÂû Systematic Review of Graphic Warning on Cigarette Packages for Reducing Tobacco Use in Korea

´ëÇѱݿ¬ÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.4 ~ 17
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¼­¼öÀΠ( Seo Su-In ) 
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Á¶¼ºÀÏ ( Cho Sung-Il ) 
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Ȳ½Â½Ä ( Hwang Seung-Sik ) 
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Background: On December 2016, the graphic warning on tobacco packaging has been implemented to reduce smoking prevalence. We performed a systematic review to assess the effects of cigarette package with the graphic warnings on smoking cessation and summarized the studies which had been conducted.

Methods: Using a prespecified search strategy, we identified the studies conducted in Korea from five Korean databases (DBPIA, KISS, KMBASE, NDSL, RISS) and three non-Korean databases (EMBASE, MEDLINE, PUBMED). This review included published articles until August 2017, which focused on the effect on smoking cessation as the outcome. We considered all types of study designs.

Results: Nine studies met our inclusion criteria, involving 3,522 participants in total. According to the studies, the graphic warnings on tobacco packaging significantly reduced the prevalence of smoking. Confidence in all findings was limited, due to the nature of the evidence available, and was therefore rated ¡®VERY LOW¡¯ for eight studies and ¡®LOW¡¯ for one study by GRADE standards. There were two studies which did not include exact effect size. All studies were cross-sectional study which didn¡¯t estimate the long term effect. Three studies analyzed the intermediate effect. All studies had limitations due to relatively small sample size, their study designs and conducting with self-administered questionnaire without objective measure. Five studies were published in Advertising & Marketing Journal.

Conclusion: As graphic warning on tobacco packaging has already been implemented, well designed research need to be initiated to capture the long-term and objective effects on tobacco cessation for public health.


Graphic warning on tobacco packaging; Tobacco Use Cessation; Systematic Review

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