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´ëÇѱݿ¬ÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 9±Ç 2È£ p.61 ~ 70
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Á¤À¯¼® ( Cheong Yoo-Seock ) 
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There is ongoing debate within the public health community as to whether e-cigarettes have a potential role in smoking cessation; whether use of e-cigarettes can reduce harm for individual users; whether widespread use of the devices has the potential to reduce or increase population-level harm; and how best to regulate e-cigarettes to minimize both individual and population-level harm. but Although the long-term effects of e-cigarette use are not known, producing nicotine aerosol from a solution rather than by burning tobacco gives rise to fewer harmful substances than cigarette smoke does to smokers and non-smokers. Because of the likely lesser health risks associated with vaping, some experts advocate wider availability and softer regulation, and see e-cigarettes as holding great potential to help smokers quit or switch to a harm-reducing way to consume nicotine. Others argue that it is not sound public health policy to allow e-cigarettes onto the market until such time as robust evidence is available supporting the safety of e-cigarettes and their efficacy in reducing harm. They cite the addictiveness of nicotine, and the potential for harm from ongoing use of e-cigarettes compared with complete cessation of all nicotine and tobacco products. Other serious issues include the possibilities that e-cigarette use might promote nicotine use among non-smokers, especially children; serve to renormalise smoking; or serve as a gateway to the use of combustible cigarettes or illicit drugs. On the bases of the scientific evidence on e-cigarette, this article explore benefits and harms to public health to guide practice, policy, and regulation through reviewing two major reports and special debate articles. A reframing of societal nicotine use through the lens of ¡®harm reduction¡¯ is an extraordinary opportunity to enhance the impact of tobacco control efforts in Korea.


E-cigarette; Harm reduction

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