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´ëÇѱݿ¬ÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 9±Ç 2È£ p.80 ~ 85
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±èÀ±Áö ( Kim Yoon-Jee ) 
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À忹¸² ( Jang Ye-Lim ) 
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À̱⿵ ( Lee Ki-Young ) 
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Background: Dong-Seoul station is a place with a large floating population. Many smokers gathered near the terminal to smoke and caused discomfort to non-smokers and pedestrians. The objective of this study was to determine outdoor tobacco smoke exposure before and after moving outdoor smoking facility in Dong-Seoul station.

Methods: Outdoor PM2.5 concentrations near Dong-Seoul station were measured before and after moving outdoor smoking facility. All measurements were conducted for 10 minutes based on the location where outdoor smoking facility installed in 2016 with intervals of 10-20 m. Measurements before moving outdoor smoking facility were conducted five times from October to December 2016. Measurement after moving outdoor smoking facility was conducted one time in June 2017. PM2.5 mass concentrations by particle spectrometer (SidePak, TSI) were adjusted after subtraction of daily ambient PM2.5 concentrations. Peak occurrence rates (#peaks/min) and magnitude of peak were calculated for each measurement site.

Results: Before moving the outdoor smoking facility, PM2.5 concentrations near the smoking facility (0 m) was higher than other measurement sites. The peak occurrence rate at 0 m was the highest with1.8 peaks/min. After moving the smoking facility, PM2.5 concentrations at 0 m was lower than the background concentration. While PM2.5 concentration at 110 m with the new smoking facility was similar to ambient concentration, the highest peak occurrence rate was observed at 90 m with 1.1 peaks/min.

Conclusion: Outdoor tobacco smoke exposure near a busy bus terminal was changed after moving of outdoor smoking facility. Moving outdoor smoking facility was effective to reduce outdoor tobacco smoke exposure to pedestrians.


Outdoor Tobacco Smoke; Outdoor Smoking Facility; PM2.5; Peak; Exposure

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