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Cigarette Taxation and the Searching Popularity of Electronic Cigarettes

´ëÇѱݿ¬ÇÐȸÁö 2018³â 9±Ç 2È£ p.86 ~ 89
±è»óÇõ, Àü¼ÒÇö, ½Åµ¿¿í,
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±è»óÇõ ( Kim Sang-Hyuck ) 
Osan Hankook Hospital Department of Family Medicine

Àü¼ÒÇö ( Chun So-Hyun ) 
Samsung Medical Center International Health Services
½Åµ¿¿í ( Shin Dong-Wook ) 
Samsung Medical Center Department of Family Medicine


Background: Increase in cigarette prices may cause people to resort to electronic cigarettes as substitutes. We investigated whether price hike in cigarettes would evoke public interest in electronic cigarette.

Methods: The data from ¡®Google Trends¡¯ were collected. The search queries for both ¡®cigarette price¡¯ and ¡®electronic cigarette¡¯ were analyzed during the period of January 2006 to December 2016. We inputted ¡®cigarette price (dambaegap in Korean)¡¯, and added ¡®electronic cigarette (jeonjadambae in Korean)¡¯.

Results: Three remarkable spikes for both electronic cigarette searches and cigarette price searches were noted in 2010, 2012, and 2014 to 2015. The peaks of the cigarette price searches were followed by the peaks of electronic cigarette searches.

Conclusion: Raising cigarette prices were related to increased interest in the online searches for electronic cigarettes. Price regulation of electronic cigarette might be considered simultaneously to prevent unexpected use of electronic cigarette accompanied by tax increase of cigarette smoking.


Cigarette Price; Electronic Cigarette; Google Trend; Search

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