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´ëÇѽºÆ÷Ã÷Ä¡ÀÇÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 1±Ç 1È£ p.17 ~ 22
±è±Ô¸², ¹Î¼ÛÈñ, ¸¶¿¬ÁÖ,
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±è±Ô¸² ( Kim Gyu-Lim ) 
Ajou University Dental Hospital Department of Pediatric Dentistry

¹Î¼ÛÈñ ( Min Song-Hee ) 
Ajou University Dental Hospital Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
¸¶¿¬ÁÖ ( Mah Yon-Joo ) 
Ajou University Dental Hospital Department of Pediatric Dentistry


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of bicycle?related oral and maxillofacial injuries in children and adolescents.

Materials and Method: This study was performed by reviewing medical records of 356 patients with the age under 17 years old, who visited Ajou University Dental Hospital emergency room for bicycle?related oral and maxillofacial trauma. Based on their medical records, gender, age, dental injuries, mandible and alveolar bone fractures, intraoral soft tissue lacerations and treatment types were analyzed.

Results: Bicycle?related oral and maxillofacial injuries were common in males (77.2%) and ages 6-9 (38.5%). Dental injuries were seen in 89.3% of all bicycle?related trauma patients, with the highest number of subluxation (31.9%) in both primary and permanent teeth. Bone injuries such as alveolar bone and mandibular bone fractures were seen in 7.9% of patients. Intraoral soft tissue lacerations were seen in 37.6% of the patients, and the most common site of laceration was the lips (46%). Among the types of injury affected by patients, single tooth injury (59%) was the most common, followed by tooth and soft tissue injury (24.2%). Suture (24.5%) was the most common type of treatment performed in the emergency room.

Conclusion: The study suggests that children and adolescents will need to use protective equipment related to oral and maxillofacial trauma caused by bicycles. In addition, patient and caregiver education on bicycle safety will also be equired.


bicycle; children; oral and maxillofacial trauma; young adolescents

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