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äÂàõ Ùê÷éæ° ØÇÑ¢¿¡ Ðáàõ ÍéâÐàõ ÛÜúìÜ»À¸·Î ï®üµµÈ 1çÓ ÜÃͱ A Case of Malignant Lymphoma Terminating in Acute Nonlymphocytic Leukemia-A case report-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 1È£ p.76 ~ 85
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õȣÁø(ÏêûÇðø)/Ho Jong Chun À̸íÈ÷(×ÝÞ­ýï)/¹Ú¿µÁø(ÚÓç´òÒ)/Myung Hee Lee/Toung Jin Park


A patient with diffuse, well-differentiated malignant lymphoma later developed acute
nonlymphocytic leukemia(ANLL) 9 months following the diagnosis. The patient received
radiotherapy and long term courses of alkylating agent therapy for the malignant
lymphoma. Malignant lymphoma at the diagnosis of leukemia relapsed and developed in
generalized lymph nodes, liver and spleen. The ANLL was signalled by increasing
anemia and thrombocytopenia. With an intensive chemotherapy for the ANLL, however,
the survival from the leukemia was one month. A case of ANLL developing after
radiotherapy and chemotherapy for a well differentiated malignant lymphoma were
discussed with brief current literature review.


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