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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 2È£ p.243 ~ 249
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±è¿ø¹è/Won Bae Kim À̵¿È­/°­µæ¿ë/ÀÌ´ëÀÏ/Dong Wha Lee/Ouk Yong Kang/Dae Il Lee


Irregular antibodies are antibodies that are not regularly Present in the serum of a
particular blood groups, e.g., anti-AL in the A2 B group or Rh antibodies in Rh
negative individuals. Some of these antibodies are produced aria result of immunization
by pregnancy or previous transfusion while others are developed although the patients
concerned have never been exposed to foreign red cells. The Presence of irregular
antibodies is usually detected in discrepancies in ABO cell and serum typings,
incompatible results in cross matching, or positive results in deliberate antibody
screening tests. To understand the frequency of irregular antibody bamong Korean,
screening tests were done with 2,518 serum samples of dormer and 595 serum samples
of pregnant and multiparous women which were collected during the period of Jan. 1980
to Sept. 1981.
The results obtained are as follows ;
1) With the screening of 2,518 donor sera, no irregular antibodies were detected by
saline, albumin, and antiglobulin techniques, but one out of 2,518 cased(0.84%) was
detected to be positive by papain test. But the antibody could not be identified because
the serum specimen was insufficient.
2) With the screening of 595 Pregnant and multiparous women's sera, one case of
anti-I in group 4, CDe/CDe pregnant, one case of anti-Al in a cis A2B
mother, and, one case of anti-P1 in 42 Fear old multipara were detected
and identified with the use of pooled O cells, known Rh positive screening cell,
Selectogen ¥°, ¥± and Resolve Panel A of Ortho Diagnostics.


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