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»ì¸ð³Ú¶ó °ñ¼ö¿° 1¿¹ º¸°í A Case of Salmonella Osteomyelitis of Humerus

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1982³â 16±Ç 2È£ p.274 ~ 277
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¹Ú¼÷ÀÚ/Sook Ja Park ¹ÚâÀÏ/¼Õ¼º±Ù/¹Ú½Â¸²/ÃÖ°æ¼ö/Chang Il Park/Sung Keun Sohn/Seoun Rim Park/Kyung Soo Choi


The authors recently experienced Samlonella osteomyelitis of the right humeral neck.
The patient was a 37 year-old male, who had no clinical history of suffering form
typhoid fever.
The laboratory data. such as CBC, ESR, and withal test were normal. X-ray revealed
round radiolucent area on the right humeral neck about 3 cm in diameter. Culture
revealed the etiological agent, Salmonella typhi. He was treated with curettage and
continuos irritation. Chloramptenicol was used for 20 darts and ampicillin arid septrim
for 5 weeks.


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