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Fusarium sp.¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ Ã¼ºÎ¹é¼± 1¿¹ A Case of Tinea Versicolor Causes by Fusarium sp.

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1983³â 17±Ç 4È£ p.442 ~ 446
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ÇÑ°æÀÚ/Kyung Ja Han Á¤Àμ÷/½É»óÀÎ/ÀÌÁ¾¹«/In Sook Chung/Sang In Shim/Chong Moe Lee


Fusarium species belong to the class Deuteromycetes, order Moniliales. They are
common saprophrtes, and plant pathogens. In human, Fusarium species rarely cause
opportunistic infection such as keratomycosis and onychomycosis. Tinea versicolor
caused by Fusarium species are rarely found in burned patient.
Recently, we experienced a case of tines versicolor caused by Pusarium species in 7
years old boy.
The patient visited to the dermatology department because of a large skin ulceration
with severe itching sensation and pain on the anterior aspect of the left thigh.
Seventeen months prior to this entry, he had a fracture of left femur by traffic-accident,
and immobilized with cast for 2 months. When the cast was removed miliary sired
erythema accompanying itching sensation on anterior aspect of left thigh was noticed. It
aggravated progressively.
Skin biopsy and fungus culture were done. Skin biopsy material showed eroded
epidermis, invasion of fungal hyphae into the lower dermis, and chronic granulomatous
inflammation, consistent with fungal granuloma.
Serial fungus culture studies revealed whitish filamentous colonies on Sabouraud
dextrose agar at room temperature. There was a slight orange-yellow pigment on the
reverse, which turned brown with age. Microscoscopically, the organism manifested
numerous, sickle, shapes, fusiform, multi-septate macroconidia, consistent with Fusarium


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