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Cryptococcug Áõ:°ú°Å 10³â°£ ¹Ì»ý¹° Áý»ç·Î È®ÁøµÈ 11¿¹ Cryptococcosis : Microbiologically Proven 11 Cases during the Past 10 Years

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 18±Ç 3È£ p.264 ~ 270
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Eleven cases of proven cryptococcosis found at Yonsei Medical Center during 1973 to
1982 were studied retrospectively and the following results were obtained.
1) There was no increasing annual incidence of cryptococcosis during this period of
time. The age incidence showed 7 out of 11 cartes were children of under 10 years.
Males dominated over females by a ratio of 8:3.
2) Nausea and vomiting were the most frequent chief complaints. Crptococcosia was
suspected from the beginning in 5 of the patients, but in others, tuberculous meningitis,
lymphoma or lower respiratory tract infection were suspected.
3) In general, leukocytosis were observed in all patients including 3 cases of
eosinophilia. The mean spinal fluid cell counts were 103/¥ìl with 81% lymphocyte. Spinal
fluid protein was increased to 127 §·/100 §¢ while glucose decreased to 21§·/100§¢.
4) Spinal fluid examination revealed C. neoformans in 5 out of 9 crises by India ink
preparation, and in 9 out of 11 cases by culture technique. There were 2 cases in which
the organism was proved by skin biopsy and culture but not by India ink preparation of
spinal fluid.
In view of these results, it can be concluded that the definitive diagnosis of
cryptococcosis should rely upon a careful analysis of clinical findings and laboratory
data obtained from examination of specimens taken at proper stages.


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