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ȸÀå¿¡ »ý±ä Anisakiasis 1¿¹ º¸°í Anisakiasis in Terminal Ileum -A case report-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1984³â 18±Ç 4È£ p.453 ~ 456
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¹é¾Ö¶õ/Ae Lan Paik È«¼º¶õ/¹éÀαâ/°íÀÏÇâ/ÀÌÁø/¹éÀοí/¹é³«È¯/äÁ¾ÀÏ/Sung Ran Hong/In Ki Paik/Ill Hyang Ko/Jin Lee/In Wook Paik/Nak Whan Psik/Jong Yil Chai


Anisakiasis is an infection in gastrointestinal tract causes by the third stage of larvae
family, Anisakidae. The diagnosis is made by the striking feature of larva showing
cuticle, well developed musculature beneath the hypodermis, and two large Y-shaped
lateral chords extending into the body cavity as well as large esophagus at the center.
After several cases of anisakiasis were reported in Netherland by Van Theil, it was
recognized that similar infections were occurring in Japan and Korea, which is closely
related with the habit of raw eating of marine fishes.
We report a case of anisakiasis involving terminal ileum with brief review of


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