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"Proliferating"ºê·»³Ê Á¾¾ç°ú ³­¼Ò ±âÇüÁ¾°ú °øÁ¸ÇÑ ¾Ç¼º ºê·»³Ê Á¾¾ç -Áõ·Ê º¸°í- Proliferating and Malignant Brenner humors of the Ovary -Report of 2 cases-

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Two unusual and rare forms of Brenner tumor are reported and the literatures are
reviewed. The one, "proliferating" Brenner tumor, morphologically resembling low grade
papillary transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder and regarded as a third variant
intermediate between the benign and malignant forms ; the other, malignant Brenner
tumor of right ovary, corresponding to grade ¥² transitional cell carcinoma of
urinary-bladder with areas of invasive squamous cell carcinoma and benign Brenner
tumor of left ovary, combined with bilateral cystic teratomas. These tumors give
additional support to the concept that Brenner tumors are composted of epithelium of
urinary tract(urothelial) type.


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