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We reviewed a total of 15 cases of heterotopic pancreatic tissue within the
gastrointestinal wall (intramural type), and compared with 3 extramural ones. Intramural
heterotopic pancreatic lesions were located in the antrum(33%), pylorus(20%), and body
of stomach(7%), and the remainders in the duodenum(40%). Only two cases presented
with chinical symptoms by their existence. Two of them were situated within the
submucosa, 3 in the muscularis, 6 in submucosa-muscularis, 2 in the
muscularis-subserosa, and 1 in the susbmucosa-subserosa. Intramural type was featured
with their structural heterogeneity compared to the extramural ones; 10 cases showed
participation of gastrointestinal mucosal elements, and some accompanied tissue elements
that were indistinguishable from submucosal epithelial heterotopia or microduplication
cyst of the stomach. Langerhans islets were found in 67%, and one developed islet cell
tumor. The above results suggest that the initially engrafted heterotopic pancreatic
tissue becomes modified and presents with heterogeneity of endodermal and mesodermal
tissue-derided com ponents by its intramural growth during the gastrointestinal
organogenesis; failure of opening of its drainage system into the gastrointestinal lumen
may result in the increase of intraductal pressure with subsequent atrophy of the acinar
tissue and various metaplastic changes of ductal epithelium, aside from induction of
smooth muscle coat around the heterotopic tissue.


Heterotopic pancreas; Histogenesis; Adenomyoma; Gastrointestinal tract;

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