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Spindle cell caricnoma of the upper aerodigestive tract mucosa was usually presented
as polypoid mass and shows squamous cell carcinoma or dysplasia in the surface and
underlying spindle cell Proliferation. The spindle cell area discloses a variable pattern of
sarcoma including rare osteosarcoma of 0¡­20% incidence. The histogenetic origin of the
spindle cell component is now considered a metaplasia of squamous cell carcinoma. We
experienced a case of spindle cell carcinoma of larynx showing massive underlying bone
formation with proliferation of osteoclast-like cells in 75 fear-old man. The
immunohistochemical study demonstrates Positive reaction with cytokeratin in area of
squamous cells and with vimentin in area of spindle cells and osteoclasts. There are
very focal reactivity for high molecular weight cytokeratin in spindle cell area. (Korean
J Pathol 1993: 27: 293¡­295)


Swindle cell carcinoma; Larynx; Osteoid;

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