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À¯¸ð¼¼Æ÷ ¹éÇ÷º´ -1¿¹ º¸°í- Hairy Cell Leukemia -A case report-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 28±Ç 6È£ p.675 ~ 677
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Á¤Àç°É/Jae Gul Chung °ø°æ¿±/Ãֱ⿵/À¯Àº½Ç/ÀÌÀÎö/¹Ú°ÇÃá/±è»óÈñ/Gyung Yub Gong/Ghee Young Choe/Eun Sil Yu/In Chul Lee/Kun Choon Park/Sang Hee Kim


À¯¸ð¼¼Æ÷ ¹éÇ÷º´(hairy cell leukemia)Àº Á߳⠳²¼º¿¡¼­ ÁÖ·Î ¹ß»ýÇÏ´Â µå¹® ¸²ÇÁ¼¼Æ÷Áõ½Ä
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Hairy cell leukemia is an uncommon lymphoreticular disorder which primarily involves
bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood. Patients, mostly men, present with
splenomegaly and pan-cytopenia usually.
A 62-year-old man was admitted with an abdominnal mass which had grown slowly
for 20 years. On physical examination, an enlarged spleen was palpated without
tenderness. An abloom mal CT scan showed a diffusely enlarged spleen, which
measured 20 §¯ in greatest dimension. In the peripheral blood, many atypical
lymphocytes with abundant, delicate, surface projections were noted. They had
tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase(TRAP) activity. Thrombocytopenia(60,000/§§) was
observed in the complete blood counts, Other laboratory data were within normal limits.
He underwent splenectomy.
The submitted spleen measured 26¡¿15¡¿5 §¯ and weighed 2150 gm. It was well
encapsulated and the outer surface was smooth. Cut surfaces were diffusely dank-red.
W kite and red pulps were indistinct. There was no mass-like lesion. Microscopically,
the spleen consisted of monotonous mononulcear cells which involved red pulp. The
white pulp was diminished, and could be barely recognized. Cells had small round nuclei
and abundant cytoplasm. Ultrastructurally, cells with numerous slender surface
projections were noted.
In Korea, hairy cell leukemia Is exceedingly rare. We report a case of hairy cell
leukemia with characteristic pathologic features of spleen as well as those of peripheral
blood. (Korean J Pathol 1994; 28: 675¡­677)


Hairy cell leukemia; Spleen;

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