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Treacher Collins ÁõÈıº ȯ¾ÆÀÇ ±â°ü »ð°ü ½Ã ¸¶¿ì½º°¡µåÀÇ È° Usefulness of Mouth Guard when the Endotracheal Intubation Is Indicated for Treacher Collins Syndrome Patient

´ëÇѼҾÆÄ¡°úÇÐȸÁö 2014³â 41±Ç 1È£ p.40 ~ 46
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Treacher collins ÁõÈıº(TCS)´Â 25,000¸í¿¡¼­ 50,000¸í´ç 1¸íÀÇ ºóµµ·Î ¹ß»ýÇÏ´Â »ó¿°»öü¿ì¼ºÀÇ À¯ÀüÁúȯÀÌ´Ù. »ó, ÇϾÇÀÇ ¹ßÀ° ºÎÀü, ºÎÁ¤±³ÇÕ, ¾çÃø¼º ÀÌ°³ ±âÇü, ¾È°Ë·ÄÀÇ ¹Ý¸ù°íÁõ »ç¸é, ±¸¼ø±¸°³¿­, ¿ÜÀ̵µ Æó¼â, ÁßÀÌ¿Í ³»ÀÌÀÇ ±âÇüÀ¸·Î ÀÎÇÑ Ã»°¢ ¼Ò½ÇµîÀÇ ±¸°­¾Ç¾È¸é ºÎÀ§ÀÇ Æ¯Â¡À» º¸¿© Å»ý ÀÌÈÄ ¼ºÀα⿡ À̸£±â±îÁö ¿©·¯ Â÷·Ê¿¡ °ÉÄ£ ¿Ü°úÀû ¼ö¼úÀ» °ÅÄ¡°Ô µÈ´Ù. ÇϾǰñÀÇ Çü¼ºÀúÇÏ·Î ÇϾǰñÀÌ Âª°í ÈĹæ À§Ä¡µÇ¸ç ÈĹæ À§Ä¡ÇÏ´Â Çô¿Í Èĺñ°øÀÇ ÇùÂø°ú Æó¼â·Î ÀÎÇØ »ó±âµµ°¡ Á¼¾ÆÁö°Ô µÇ´Âµ¥ ÀÌ·Î ÀÎÇØ ±â°ü»ð°üÀÇ ¾î·Á¿òÀÌ µû¸¥´Ù. µû¶ó¼­ Ä¡±Ù ¹ßÀ°ÀÌ ¹Ì¾àÇÑ ¼Ò¾Æû¼Ò³â ½Ã±âÀÇ TCS ȯÀÚÀÇ ±â°ü »ð°ü ½Ã »ó¾Ç ÀüÄ¡ºÎÀÇ ¼Õ»ó °¡´É¼ºÀÌ ¸Å¿ì ³ô´Ù. º» Áõ·Ê´Â Àü½Å¸¶Ãë À¯µµ¸¦ À§ÇÑ ±â°ü »ð°ü µµÁß »ó¾Ç ÀüÄ¡ÀÇ ¿ÏÀü Å»±¸°¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ TCS ȯ¾ÆÀÇ Ä¡Çè·Ê¸¦ ÅëÇØ ±âµµ »ð°ü ½Ã»çÀüÀÇ ¸¶¿ì½º°¡µå Á¦ÀÛÀÇ À¯¿ë¼º¿¡ ´ëÇÏ¿© ¾Ë¸®°íÀÚ ÇÑ´Ù.

Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) is autosomal dominant disorder that occurs approximately 1 in 25,000 to 50,000 live births. The main signs of syndrome are hypoplasia of facial bone and microtia. One in third of them is associated with cleft palate and often shows dental hypoplasia. TCS patients need several number of surgery with general anesthesia throughout their life time for recovery of function and esthetic. Endotracheal intubation of TCS patient is very difficult due to microstomia, retrognathia, choanal stenosis, and decreased oropharyngeal airway. Therefore, general anesthesia of adolescent TCS patient with immature incisor roots has high risk of causing dental trauma. This case is regarding TCS patient who was referred to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Yonsei University for avulsed upper left central incisor during endotracheal intubation. The purpose of this report is to emphasize the usefulness of mouth guard to prevent dental trauma when endotracheal intubation is needed for TCS patient.


±â°ü »ð°ü; ¸¶¿ì½º°¡µå
Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS); Endotracheal intubation; Mouth guard

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