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The objective of this study was to compare the shear bonding strength of zirconia after cleaning the crown contaminated by saliva or blood and determine the effect of thermocycling. 180 specimens were embedded in acrylic resin. 20 Specimens in the positive control group were bonded with resin cement without contamination. 20 Specimens in the negative control group were washed with water for 20 seconds and then dried for 10 seconds. 120 Specimens contaminated by saliva or blood were cleaned by using three cleaning methods: 37% phosphoric acid gel, commercial cleanse, and 2.5% NaOCl. All samples were bonded with resin cement and divided into two subgroups: One was not aged, and the other was tested with 30,000 thermocycling. In both groups contamination by saliva and blood, no statistically significant difference was not found in control, groups cleansed by commercial cleanser and 2.5% NaOCl. When the groups cleansed with water and 37% phosphate gel were compared with the control, significantly low shear bond strength was shown. Thermocycling group showed statistically significantly low shear bond stress compared to the groups without thermocycling. When zirconia was contaminated by saliva or blood, its original shear bond strength could be obtained if it was cleaned with commercial cleanser or 2.5% NaOCl.


Zirconia¡¯ Saliva contamination; Blood Contamination; Shear bond strength; Thermocycling

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