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The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate etiology, clinical features, and treatment modalities of the mandibular condyle fracture in children and young adolescents. This study was conducted based on medical records and radiographic examinations of 44 pediatric patients. Patients received treatment under diagnosis of mandibular condylar fracture. They were divided into 4 groups according to their age. The involvement of condyle in the mandible fracture occurred in higher percentage in younger age groups. Falling was the most common etiologic factor in all age group, especially in children with age under 7. Condyle head was the most frequent site of fracture in age group of 4 - 7 whereas fracture tends to occur in lower condylar areas in older groups. In 54.5% of the mandibular condyle fracture, symphysis fracture was accompanied. Teeth injury occurred in higher incidency when condyle fracture accompanied symphysis fracture. Conservative treatments were applied to 43 out of 44 patients.


Retrospective study; Mandibular condyle fracture; Children; Young adolescents

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