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°£È£°è¿Í ºñ°£È£°è ¿©´ë»ýÀÇ ¿©°¡¼±¿ë¿¡ °üÇÑ ºñ±³¿¬±¸ A Comparative Study on Utilization of Leisure by College Women, Nursing and Non-nursing Students

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1976³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.217 ~ 244
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ÀÌÁ¤ÀÚ ( Lee-Jung-Ja ) 
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This study purports a comparative study on utilization, of leisure liy college women, nursing and non-nursing- students. The study was conducted from February 1976 through April 1977, employing 192 students from 3-year course school of nursing; 106 from 4-year course of nursing department; 240 from non-nursing departments throughout Cholla Namdo Province. The following is the result obtained:
1) more nursing students have religion than those of non-nursing students: nursing students 60%; non-nursing ones- 40%. The former showed less research attitude toward profession.
2) Leisure activities in which students find the utmost joy indicated: traveling 28%; music appreciation 25%; and reading. 16%.
3) The most desirable activity they wish when all conditions are provided indicates that Over 90% of students prefer traveling while those who could actually enjoy traveling were less than 30%.
4) Over 95% of students find significance in leisure activities.
5) In the choice of reading material, most students tend to do at random, the rate of which being: 4-year course students 42%; 3-year course students 36% ; non-nursing ones 36%.
6) Non-nursing students show tendency of selecting leisure¢¥ activities wisely and their degree of satisfaction shows higher than that of nursing students: 4-year course students 47%; 3-year course students 42%; and non-nursing ones 59%.
7) Most students spend their leisure at home, a negative and passive attitude.
8) After school, most students go home straight, which cannot be looked over: 4-year course students 59%; 3-year course students 46%; non-nursing students 51%.
9) Leisure activities during vacation are varied, nursing students showing more interest and enthusiasm in service activities than non-nursing ones.
Based upon the foregoing result, suggestings are made as follows:
1) Efforts must be made, on the part of teaching staff of nursing school, toward research and practice on academic approach to guidance.
2) Since most students are keenly interested in traveling, educators in nursing schools must design traveling so as to become educational excursion. Government is urged to set up Youth Hostels to accomodate young travelers, which will also serve as a means of jevenile guidance.
3) Libraries at 3-year course nursing schools must be enlarged so that students will remain at school, have chance to take guidance in reading, aim at fostering whole character, avoiding to become "professional, idiots". .
4) School authorities must provide many opportunities in which students will wholehear-tedly participate.
5) School authorities must provide enough facilities, which will serve in making students find joy and remain there after lesson.


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