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±¤Áֽà ȯ°æ¿À¿°¿¡ °üÇÑ Á¶»ç¿¬±¸ (¥°) ´ë±â¿À¿° ¹× ¼ÒÀ½¿¡ °üÇÏ¿© Studies on the Environmental Pollution in Gwangju Area(¥°) A Study on Air Pollution and Noise Level

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1978³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.1 ~ 14
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Air pollution in Gwangju area was examined for six months from August, 1977 to January. 1978. The surveyed area was divided into four; Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Park area. ¢¥Ten surveying sites which were representing the characteristics of each area were selected. The measuring methods were; the Lead dioxide cylinder method for Sulfur oxides, Triethanolamine plate method for Nitrogen dioxide, Deposit Gauge method of Dustfall, and the Rion noise meter for Noise level. The results we obtained are as follows.
The mean of Sulfur oxides was 0.355§·SO©ý/day/100§²PbO©ü, ranging from 0.12 to 0.57§·SO©ý/day/100§²PbO©ü. The mean value of Sulfur oxides was 0.57§·SO©ý/day/100§²PbO©ü for Reidential area, 0.51§·SO©ý/day/100§²PbO©ü for Commercial area(Keumnam-Ro 3 Ka), 0.34§·SO©ý/day/100§²PbO©üfor Industrial area (Im-Dong), and 0.21§·SO©ý/day/100§²PbO©ü for Park area, respectively.
The mean value of Nitrogen dioxides was 40.75§¶/NO©ü/day/100§², ranging from 29.79 to 40.75§¶ NO©ü/day/100§². At Commercial area where the value was the highest, the range of Nitrogene dioxides level was 35.32~50.88§¶ NO©ü/day/100§².
The mean value of dustfall was 12.8ton/§´/month, ranging from 5.032 to 24.11 ton/§´/month. The dustfall for Commercial area was higher than any other area.
The mean value of noise level was 58 dB(A) ranging from 43.3 to 64.4 dB(A).
The noise of 64.4 dB(A), at Commercial area was higher than any other area.


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