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Ô´ã¼ñ«ÜþµéÀÇ ãÝßæüÀη×â¿¡ ÓßÇÑ ãù÷¾ðàÞÛ Research on the Dietary Management of the Urban Housekeepers

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1978³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.125 ~ 143
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Research on the method how the housekeepers in Gwangju city manage their diet in their everyday life was carried out from April 17, 1978 to April 29, 1978 with 320 samples.
And I reached the following conclusions.
1. The percentage of those who. make a budget for the diet is 38.1% according to the school career and 45.6% according to the age. The percentage of those who carry out their planning is 55.7% according to the school career and 61.3% according the age.
And the percentage of .those who do not have nor carry out the planning is 35.3% according to the school career and 38.8% according to the age.
2. The percentage of those who plan their menu(13.4% according to the school career, 14.4% according to the age) is higher than that of those who occasionally plan the menu.
3. Daily diet is instantly decided at the market (55.1%) not by the previous planning.
4. What is considered the most important in home management is not dietary problem (2.5%) but the education of the children.
5. Snacks eaten between meals are usually made at home (51.8% according to the school career and 52.5% according to the age).
6. Knowledge on the nutrition is learned through the book dealing with nutrition. (29.4%) and through the children (23.0%).
7. Cereals are the primary source of the nourishment (90.8%) and accordingly most of the urban residents are short of foods supplying protein, lipid, and inorganic.


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