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°¡Å縯Îç°¡ ô÷ëÀÞÈ¿¡ ¹ÌÄ£ ç¯ú -ñéá¦Ñº¸¦ ñéãýÀ¸·Î Catholic¢¥s Influence on the History of Physical Education

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1981³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.129 ~ 140
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In the history of mankind, the middle Ages is often called the dark .times is athletics. Seeking for the reasons for this statement, we come to see that the purpose of Christianity, in that age was the life to come, that is to say, the future life, so, only to be faithful to the definition of divine province, there by, to erect the immortal value of imperishable Kingdom of Heaven, not to persuade the riches and honors on this earth, and also that they, Christians, considered the preparation for the life to come as the ideal in¢¥ education.
Under the mediaeval society with such creed and dogma, it was really difficult for the sound and desirable upbringing of physical education to be expected. The trend of thought which had placed¢¥ sprit¢¥ -soul- above everything else, regarded ¢¥body¢¥ as evil and weakened it through inflicting pain upon it, at the same time, tried to elevate ¢¥soul¢¥ by means of practising all the asceticism possible. And, even today, we can see the similia aspect in this trend in respect of the training of will in physical education.
Christianity, however, made several contributions toward the history of athletics:
It can be classified into three: the first; monks trained their souls and bodies though working, and they manayed to make people recognize that working is not humble but but divine, the second;
the spirit of chivarly in the Middle Ages have embodied the code of gentleman and sportsmanship, made a great contribution toward the formation of true man.
the third; Christianity opened a number of world-fam-ous universities and colleges, thereby, created so many kinds of sports and recreation games.


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