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îïÑõ ìéÝ» ÒÜåÛõ½ ò¢æ´ÀÇ ýØÝ»XàÊ ËþÞÛ¿¡ °üÇÑ ðàÞÛæÚϼ A Study on the Chest Radiograph in Forming and Fishing Villages in Chonnam.

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1982³â 7±Ç 1È£ p.23 ~ 30
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The 16,695 patients were undergone the chest X-ray examination from Jan to Dec in 1980 in two general hospitals nearby a farming and fishing villages in chunnam, and auther investigated and analyzed these results, then, the following results were obtained.
1. It was shown that the highest case was in chest examination(81.36 %) and in sequence, Extremitces(6.4%), simple abdomen(5.78%), skull(2.65%).
2. According to the seasonal variations of the patients in this paper, they were the highest from Feb. (9.04%) to Mat. (10.01%) and relatively the lowest from Sep.(7.21%) to Oct.(7.10%).
3. In sex distinctions, male outnumbered female at the rate of 2.1:1, and according to the age brackets, it was the greatest in the thirties, and was rapidly decreased in the sixties and above.
4. According to the radiographical projection for chest, (P-A) projection was the greatest(78.13%), and secondly, (A- P) projection(12.36%).
5. According to the findings about X-ray examination, it was 52.8% in normality and 47.2% in abnormality.
6. Among the chest films of 16,695 patients, 24.75%of them were Poor-conditioned or rechecked, and unsuitable exposure was the greatest cause.


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