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¿µ¾îÀÇ ¸í»ç¾î¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °íÂû Observation on Nominals in English

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1982³â 7±Ç 1È£ p.127 ~ 150
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In generative-transformational grammar, one of distinctive things to be done is to pursue the sources of surface forms. The grammarians have been interested, among other things, in the question as to which is the basic form and which is the derived form.
Chapter 2 has dealt with some distinguished scholars¢¥ positions on this issue.
Robert Lees tried to derive nominal expressions from sentential sources through syntactic transformations. However, Noam Chomsky casted some serious questions on the transformational analysis of nominal expressions. He claims that gerundive nominals are derived their associated sentential sources, whereas derived nominals are not derived from their associated sentential sources but should be posited in the lexicon.
One step further, Schachter argued against the transformational analysis of gerundive nominals. He claims that the basic constituent structure of gerundive nominals should be provided by a phrase structure rule.
Chapter 3 has dealt with some syntactic and semantic aspects of nominal expressions. Chomsky showed the differences between the gerundive nominals and derived nominals. In the course of showing the differences, he supported the lexicalist hypothesis.
Lees compared "factive" nominals and "action" nominals. He explains that factive nominals refer to a fact, while the action nominals refer to an action, or a way of doing something.
Thompson explored "activity" gerunds in an attemt to account for how they are understood. She claims that the interpretation of these unspecified subjects may be specified by a set of semantic rules.
This study is not of my own originality but of my understanding of native linguists¢¥ exploration of English nominalizations. Nonetheless, it seems to me that this study may greatly contribute to non-native speakers¢¥ understanding of the English language.


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