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êêä®ÎçëÀ Ó½Ó×ÎçÞÔ î¢ÎçëÀ¿¡ μÇÑ ðàÞÛ A Study on the In-service Education for the Teachers of the Early Childhood Education

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1982³â 7±Ç 1È£ p.179 ~ 210
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It is of great concern to us how to program the In-service Education for the teachers of early childhood education in order to train them well.
Rondomy sampled were 185 teachers (96 Kandergarten teachers and 89 Day care teachers) all over the country.
And they were expected to answer to the questionnaire made by KIRBS.
Some of the significant findings were as follows;
1. The realities of In-service for Teachers in Early childhood Education.
1) The difficulties in the early childhood education requires the teachers to be trained In-service again.
2) The teachers are willing to participate in In-service Education program for the purpose of better understanding theories of teaching strategies in early childhood education.
3) The In-service Education has been sponsored ones or twice a year, for 3 to 5 days, by civil research institutions.
4) Traditionally, the type of teaching In-service Education has been chiefly lecturer-centered. And the In-service Education ought to have been programmed with full consideration of the theories of teaching strategic in the field.
5) Many of the In-service teachers believes that the textbook is indispensible for the In-service Education, and that the textbood should contain sources to help children develop Cognitively, socio-emotionally and physicalyl.
6) The In-service Education is helpful in the field, but has little relation to the promotion or salary of the teachers.
2. A Desirable orientation of the In-service Education.
1) The In-service Education should be programmed about two times a year, for 3 to 5 days as it is now and it is expected to be sponsored by the government or government-sponsored institutions.
2) The In-service Education program should be organized on the basis of theory-and-practice in early childhood education.
3) Some advantages(ex: salary, promotion, etc) should be given to the teachers who finished the In-service Education sucessfully.


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