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êêöÃê®ÎçëÀÀÇ úÞüÏ°ú Ùýð¹ -îïÑõò¢æ´À» ñéãýÀ¸·Î The Realities and Problems of Education in the Kindergarten

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1983³â 8±Ç 1È£ p.105 ~ 128
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Early childilood education is to educate the children ages of between 0 and 3 grades school and is done at homes, schools and facilities intentionally or unintentionally. The purposes of early childhood education are to develop the potentialities of the infants under a desirable circumstances, to flourish their present lives, and to grow up as a whole human.
The purposes of this research are as follows,
¨ç To review the. physiological, social, psychological trend of the concept of the early childhood education as an international concern related with the development of early childhood education.
¨è To analyze the present condition of kindergarten education of Chunnam and of Korea to present the problems.
The present condition of kindergarten of Korea.
The statics of the Ministry of Education of 1982 show the followings; there are 3463 kindergartens and 168653 kindergarten attending children, and 4349 teachers in Korea, the private kindergargtens prepared all the teaching tools of the standards of the Ministry of Education and the public kindergartens prepared only 0.9¡­24.2%.
The present condition of kindergarten education of Jeonnam Province. The reviews of the development of kindergartens in Chunnam shows the followings; Jungang kindergarten was first founded at Kwangu in 1920. 6 kindergartens were at Gwanju in T928. In 1955, there were 35 kindergartens and 1766 kihdergarten attending children. There were show increase of the number of kindergarten attending children between 1965 and 1977. From 1978, sharp increase of the number of kindergarten attending children was shown. The rate of kindergarten attending children is 17.7% in 1982.
The statistical yearbook of education of 1982 shows the followings; there are 438 kindergartens, and 16363 kindergarten attending children, and 367 teachers in Chunnam, the private kindergartens prepared all the teaching tools of the standards of the Ministry of Education and the public kindergartens prepared only 0.6 ~41.1%.
For the development of the kindergartens, some comments are given as follows;
¨ç We need the parents educational programs and early childhood educational programs to establish the desirable early childhood education effectively through mass communication or visiting homes individually. Also we have to consider the experience of children groups according to the provinces and the facilities.
¨è We need to establish the independent public kindergartens with over than 3 classes.
¨é We need more qualified director, teachers and better working conditions.
¨ê The public kindergartens showed prepare more teaching tools for better educational condition.


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