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í»ÔÑúÞßÀѦ¿¡ À־ X-ray filmÀÇ ÞÐòØ÷åàõ η×â Control of the Photographic Properties of Medical X-ray films Processed in Automatic Processors.

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1984³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.41 ~ 46
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The purpose of control is to detect subtle changes in any one of the factors controlling the production of a photogoaph before such changes adversely affect the final results.
Control of the photogrophic properties are devated photographic control of chemical used in Automatic processing. With a minimum of training can make precise, repeatable measurements which are necessary for accurate photographic film exposure and processing control.
Automatic processors are installed and test procedures should be performed daily at the same time and only after the equipment has had time to warm up.
All data must be analyzed, charted, or graphed to establish nonmal varinces and to establish upper and lower limits of Variance, and contrast index.
The type of data analysis presents a depiction of changes that may become great enough to affect the quality assurance of the photographic.


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