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¹ÙÄûÀÇ Ü¨÷¾¿¡ µû¸¥ ñéíóÀÇ ðÚòÄùÊîÜ æÚϼ Histological Studies of Mid-Gut during the Metamorphosis of Cockroache, Blattella germanica L.

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1984³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.67 ~ 74
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The epithelium of the mid-gut of Blattella germanica L. classified cockroaches was observed with light microscope.
1. The mid-gut structure was composed of peritrophic membrane, epithelium cell, basement membrane and muscles.
2. The epithelium of mid-gut was composed of columnar, goblet and regenerative cells.
3. A regenerative cell was taken the place of epithelium cellsecration enzyme by destrctive metabolism.
4. Mid-gut structure does not change during the metamorphosis.


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