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îïÑõ ìéÝ»ò¢æ´ÀÇ Sodium ¼·Ãë·®¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ -µµ½Ã¿Í ³óÃÌÀ» Áß½ÉÀ¸·Î Studies on Sodium Intakes in Parts of Chonnam Area -From the point of view of urban and rural areas

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1984³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.103 ~ 114
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In order to analyze the density of sodium and compare the daily sodium intakes in urban and rural areas, the total 80 different families of more than 10 years¢¥ residence in the same area was unconditionally chosen, 40families in urban area live in Chisan 2dong Kwang-ju city and 40 .families, in rural area live in Hampy5ng-up. The result was that the sodium density and quantity of Korean flavoring and foods are as follows:
1. The average Nad density of Korean soysauce and soybean paste of the flavoring analyzed by the experiment of Mohr method is that; the Nad density of soysauce in Kwang-ju is about 29.85g%, Hampydo£þng 27.30g% and the Nad density of soybean paste in Kwang-ju is about 14.55g%, Ham-pyo?ng 14.65g%.
2. The sodium of the flavoring intaken from Korean soysauce, soybean paste and the others is that; in Kwang-ju area, Nacl contents from soysauce ranged from 18.05g to 3.50g; 8.08g in average is 44.30% and Naci contents from soybean paste ranged from 10.20g to 0.91g; 3.46? in average is 18.95% and the others ranged from 7.21g to 0.92g; 4.07g inaverage is 19.99%. In Hampyo£þng area Nacl contents from soysauce ranged from soysauce ranged from 15.34g to 5.03g; 9.57g in average is 46.05% and those from soybean ranged from 8.03g to 1.50g; 4.12g in average is 19.83% and the others ranged from 8.13g to 1.02g; 3.87g in average is 18.62%
3. The average daily sodium intakes of an adult ranged from 37.92g to 10.94g in Kwang-ju and the difference of the Nad intakes is 18.26g. In Hampyo£þng the difference of the Nacl intakes ranged from 31.39g to 15.74g is 20.2g. Compared to this, the difference of sodium intakes of each families appeared to be severe. And the correlation between the average daily intakes of Nad and each nutritions was found not to be significant, but Nad intakes and the increase of Carbohydrate intakes were related with each other, (p<0.05)


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