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Schizophyllum communeÀÇ ribosomal RNAÀÇ ßæùêà÷¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ Biosynthesis of ribosomal RNA in Schizophyllum commune

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.49 ~ 58
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Biosynthesis and processing of cytoplasmic rRNA precursor during life cycle of Schizophyllum commune Fr. were studied by using ^3H-uridine.
1. Incorporations of ^3H-uridine were high during primordia formation stage in second hyphae and were high during 288 hours cultures inmonohyphae but declined during 240 hours cultures. Incorporations of ^3H-uridine into rRNA were more rapid 2.5-folds at second hyphae than monohyphae.
2. Biosynthesis of RNA were high at primordia formation stage in second hyphae and were high during period cultures from 240 hours to 288 hours at monohyphae. Biosynthesis of RNA were higher 2-folds at second hyphae than monohyphae.


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