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Û¯ÞÒàÊ äÌîïη×â¿¡ ÓßÇÑ ðàÞÛæÚϼ -îïÑõò¢æ´À» ñéãýÀ¸·Î A Study on the Safety Control in Radiation

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.59 ~ 70
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This survey was carried out during the deriod of October 1, ¢¥84 to April 30, ¢¥85 covering 71 medical facilities in Chonnam Province. It was contested throughout the safety control radiation, radiation source control, radiation exposure, protective facility and image control.
The results obtained are as follows;
1. What the medical facilities with x-ray units are handled by persons without licence, are 52.6% in Hospital level, 90.75% in Clinical level and 73% in Public Health center.
2. There are small tube capacity with less than tube current 100mA in 44.5% among the 157 x-ray units surveyed, and 25.4% in nonecollimators.
3. The x-ray room capacity is less than 10m2 is 38.8% in total surveyed medical institution. It is, therefore, not perfect in safety control, so it must be extensioned for prefer control.
4. The radiation shielding systems are perferable for satisfying in 22.5% and unsatisfied in 29.5%, respectively..
5. There is no radiation exposure counter in medical facilities in 46.6%, even there is radiation exposure counter in 53.4%, though the counter are used in 35.2% only.
6. According to this survey, it is investigated that the regular data control for radiation exposure was not tested in 73.2%. Even though the radiotechnologist takes regular physical examination, the persons was tested by regular in 23.9%.
7. In case of chest indirect photoroentgraphy, the protective partitions are used in 55.9% and the lead apron are used in 15.25% only.
8. In case of daily x-ray checks, there are 87.3% inless than 100 cases, 12.7% in more than 100 case.
9. The medical facilities are checked regularly for the x-ray unit fuction in 16.9% only.
10. As the developing method, the automatic devices are 47.8% and the hand operates are 52.1%. Even though automatic system has, daily function was checked in regular 20.6% only.
11. In case of the intensifying screen, the medium speed intensifying screen is used in 28.1% and the high speed intensifying screen is used in 66.2%, reapectively. But there is only one hospital used the rare earth intensifying screen.


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