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Heat cured resin ñìùêãÁ Û°Ûö¿¡ µû¶ó ѨøÜßæà÷¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ç¯ú The Influence of the Porosity Appearance in Heat-Cured Resin Processing

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.87 ~ 92
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The quality of denture base is influenced by the number and size of porosity on the heat-cured resin.
The appearance of porosity is tested through the variable reaction temperature and time.
The result are as following:
1. There is not appeared porosity on the heat-cured resin block which is polymerized at constant 70¡É for 9 hours.
2. After the reaction goes on for 90 minutes at at constant 70?, the reaction temperature goes gradually up to the boiling state and boiled it for 30 minutes.
The porosity on. the heat-cured resin block does not appeared in the range 1.5 to 13.5§® of the thickness, but does appeared the porosity in size of 0.32§® and greater at the thickness of 15§® and greater of heat-cured resin block.
3. The porosity does not appeared in up to 13.5§® of the thickness of heat-cured resin block, but does appeared at 15§® and greater in thickness where the size of porosity is 1.34§® and greater, which is reacted at the temperature range from 25¡É to 100¡É for 120 minutes and boiling for 15 minutes at 100¡É.
4. It is investigated that the porosity depends on the reaction temperature and thickness of heat-cured resin block. There is, particulary, no great difference in porosity making up to 13.5§® in thickness, but is great difference in the thickness of 15§® and the greater.


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