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ºñÇàû¼Ò³â°ú Á¤»óû¼Ò³âÀÇ Á¤½Å°Ç°­»óÅ ºñ±³ ¿¬±¸ A Study on the Mental Health Status in Jevenile Delinquent and Non Juvenile delinquent

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.155 ~ 171
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ÀüÀºÈñ/Jun EH


This study was attempted to assess the mental health status between juvenile delinquent and non delinquent.
The purpose of this study was to determine factors influencing mental health, status and to proyide objective and scientific data with health education, treatment and nursing-care.
The subjects for this study were 479 juvenile delinquent selected form juvenile reformatory in Seoul, Kwang Ju and Jeon Ju and 483 non delinquent selected from middle and high school in Seoul.
Data for this study was collected from Mar. 15 to Apr. 15, 1985.
The measurement tool was the SCL-90-R that developed by Derogatis et al.
Analysis of data was done by using ¥ö©÷, t-test.
The result of study were as follows;
1. General characteristics between the juvenile delinquent and the non juvenile delinquent (Abbreviation; JD-juvenile delinquent, NJD-non juvenile delinquent)
1) Age distribution; The JD of 18~21 ages are most common and "15~17" in NJD
2) Religion; "No religion" are the most common NJD. The most DJ have religion
3) Educational level; Those who "leave middle school in midcourse" are most common in the JD & "being in high school" in NJD
4) Birth order; "The last born" are most common in JD & "The middle born" in NJD
5) In the parents¢¥ existence; Those who are JD tend to have more widowed mother than NJD
6) Economic status; Those who are JD have lower economic status than NJD
7) Type of Family; "Nuclear Family" are considerably common. "Extended Faimly" are more common in the JD.
8) Pattern of residence; JD who live live in downtown area or factory area are more prominent.
9) In the time required for school attending; The JD necessary longer time than the NJD
10) In the fathers¢¥ occupation; "Business" are most common, "farming or labor" in the JD are more common, than NJD.
11) Presence of the mothers¢¥ occupation; JD have more "employed mother" than NJD
12) In the parents¢¥ educational level; The parents of JD have lower educational level than NJD
13) In the place of growth; JD who live at orphange are more common than the NJD.
14) In the parents¢¥ existence during growth; JD who live under the parental divorce or separation state and stepmother or stepfather are most common.
15) In the presents¢¥ chief complain; Those who are JD have more social adaptation.
16) Family problem; "Economic problem" & "Insufficient communication with parent" are considerably common.
17) Significant others; mother, father, teacher in order. JD are more affect by friendor senior.
2. The result of comparing with status of mental health between juvenile delinquent and non juvenile delinquent expressed a very profittable difference.
A group of juvenile delinquent expressed the highest response to depression and non juvenile delinquent, obsessive-compulsive.
1) A group of juvenile delinquent was higher than non juvenile delinquent in somatization. (t=16.28, P=0.000)
2) A group of juvenile delinquent was higher than non juvenile delinquent in obsessive-compulsive reaction. (t=12.08,P=0.000)
3) A group of juvenile delinquent was higher than non juvenile delinquent in interpersonal sensitivity. (t=14.28, P=0.000)
4) A group of juvenile delinquent was higher than non juvenile delinquent in depression. (t=17.16, P=0.000)
5) A group of juvenile delinquent was higher than non juvenile delinquent in anxiety. (t=17.49, P=0.000)
6) A group of juvenile delinquent was higher than non juvenile delinquent in hostility. (t=13.90, .P=0.000)
7) A group of juvenile delinqent was higher then non juvenile delinquent in phobia. (t=13.82, P=0.000)
8) A group of juvenile delinquent was higher than non juvenile delinquent in in paranoia. (t=17.46, P=0.000)
9) A group of juvenile delinquent was higher than non juvenile delinquent in psychoticism. (t=20.95, P=0.000)


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