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ìÑÞÀú¼ïÙð¤Óø¿¡ °üÇÑ ÍÅóÌ A Study of Public Personnel Administration System

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1985³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.197 ~ 213
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The origin of public personnel administration system can be observed even in the ancient countries, but the necessity of the public personnel administration won a full recognition with the formation of modern countries.
The formation of modern countries resulted in the development of the party politics which led to the spoils system in which the party that won in election had the power to appoint public officials previously held by the king.
Basically this was thought to be the victory of democratic system but defects bagan to appear with the system.
Thus, there have been movement to reform the system of public officials in modern democratic countries.
As a result, the merit system was established, which appoints public officials on the basis of competency and qualification.
This paper has studied the two systems in England and the United States as they have mostly been developed in the two countries.
The two systems, the two major currents of public personnel administration, exist in any kinds of government.
The spoils system flourished in the liberal democracy of 190 suffered from administrative inefficiency and extravagance with budgets, scattering the original noble ideals of democracy.
To avoid the defects of the system the modern countries adopted the merit system, but the character of present countries makes it inevitable for the two systems to coexist.
This paper has made a periodic observation on the process of the establishment of the two systems.
Observing the character of bureaucracy in absolutism, the process of the establishment of spoils system in modern democratic countries, and that of the merit system in present democratic countries, this paper revaluated the two systems and suggested a view of the public personnel administration system of the future.


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